Plan Commission to meet 6/21/2021

                                                                        Town of Waupun


Fond du Lac County



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town of Waupun Plan Commission will meet June 21, 2021 at 7:00p.m., in the Waupun Town Hall located at N4369 Cty Hwy M, Brandon, WI. The Town of Waupun Plan Commission will conduct a public hearing for the purpose of considering a rezone application of Farmland Preservation land to residential land requested from Charles Neevel. Total acreage in parcel before rezone is 18.752 acres. Parcel No. of property is T21-14-15-17-03-003-00. Legal description is SW ¼ NE ¼ Section 17 T 14 N, R 15 E. Property is located on County Rd. M, Waupun. The hearing is open to the public. All interested parties are encouraged to attend. Town Board members may be present.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Waupun will review the recommendation of the Plan Commission and act upon the above request at their regular monthly meeting on Monday, July 12, 2021 at 7:30p.m. at the Town Hall, unless special meeting is called.


Ann Theune, Town Clerk