Land Use Committee

Planning Commission
(Land Use)

(re-zones)  chair appoints in April
for 3 year term

Mary Denzin - April 2027
N3495 Guenther Rd
Waupun, WI  53963
324-3780 cell 210-1970

Mark Koll - April 2027
3260 Lemmenes Pk
Waupun, WI  53963

Bryan Kemink - April 2027
N4368 Cty M
Brandon, WI 53919


Ken Beekman - April 2027
N4463 CTY M
Brandon, WI 53919

Steve Pluim - April 2027
N3246 Center Rd
Waupun, WI 53963

Judy Stiteley - April 2027
N3102 Savage Road
Waupun, WI 53963

Lynette Kehrmeyer - April 2027
W10886 Oak Center Rd
Waupun, WI  53963

FEE is $200 non-refundable, set by Board Per Ord. 15.2 & 15.3

Meets On Request

All Members, applicant, Town Board and   neighbors get letter confirming date and time of meeting.

Members, applicant, and board getcopies of application.

Publish & Post Class II

8 days before meeting and 15 days before meeting Per Ord. 17.3 & 16.5
Send to [email protected] ask for confirmation.

Board Chair appoints 5 members choose their officers per Stat. 60.62

Terms expire in April, Chair will make appointments in April or anytime if vacancy occurs Per Stat. 52.23 & 61.35

Clerk calls to set meeting date.

  1. Publish and Post notices
  2. Plan Commission meets
  3. Member of Plan Commission presents their recommendation to Town Board at special, or Regular Town meeting.
  4. Town Board takes their recommendation and acts on it.