(variances & special permits) appointed for 3 years in December
Ken Beekman - December 2027
N4463 CTY RD M
Waupun, WI 53963
Dennis Greenfield - December 2027
N3324 W. Center Rd.
Waupun, WI 53963
Darrel Gunderson December 2027
N3773 Cty. Trk. M
Waupun, WI 53963
Gerald Denzin - December 2027
N3495 Guenther Rd.
Waupun, WI 53963
cell 382-3780
[email protected]
Harvey Oosterhouse - December 2027
W10451 Church Rd.
Waupun, WI 53963
cell 539-8042
[email protected]
Ken Homan - December 2027
430 Bittersweet Lane
Waupun, WI 53963
Zoning Ordinance
Article XIII, Sec. 13
FEE is $200 non-refundable, set by Board Per Ordinances 15.2 & 15.3
Board paid $25 per variance (requires a quorum to vote-2005) 13.42, page 76 of ordinances
Ordinance 6.51 par.1 – variance required to establish ag lot smaller than the required 35 acre minimum Land Use Plan 8.3 page 54 Statute 63.23 (e6)
Publish Class I (8 days before meeting) and post in 3 places and Notify neighbors at least 8 days before meeting per Ordinance 13.31(b)
Reporter needs 3-4 days before they will publish, send to [email protected]
Ask for confirmation
Class I is one time publishing